A monthly radio show hosted by India's Prime minister, Narendra Modi had a special guest on 27.01.2015. President Barak Obama, who was visiting India as the chief guest for India's 66th Republic day held on 26.01.2015 joined the prime Minister's radio show on the next day.
It was indeed a historic moment when 2 very influential people addressed the nation together but what was even more heartening was that the 2 answered many questions raised by people from general public which were unrelated to politics, strategic planning or economics.
Their bromance was very evident from the way both took cues ftomeach other and worked together to make the radio show a huge success.
Both the premiers highlighted the fact that they had similar stories where in both of them rose from very humble background were able to rise to the higest level by sheer will and perseverance.
Modi shared an antidote of his visit to the White House which touched his heart. He reminisced that at that time President Barak Obama gifted him a book written by an Indian spiritual Guru, Swami Vivekanand and that he was touched when the president leafed through pages of the book to give him an insight about it as he was well verse with it.
Obama ' s response to a question by a caller about his daughters was that they were very keen to Visit India and were very impressed by India's rich history and story of independence. He emphasised that this was partly because of his influence as he shared these stories with his daughters.
It was indeed heartening to hear the light hearted conversation of the two heads of nations and their comraderie definitely sets an example for other world leaders to follow.
All in all the radio show was a brilliant concept and a total hit! It left me charged enough to write this post on the same day itself!